Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Today's picture is from our driving range outing with the kids. Mikayla cracked us up with her pink John Deere hat smashed down on her head. :)

You know what makes me happy? When I can sit down and read to my children and have them curled up on either side of me. There is nothing like it and I can't wait till the fireplace is roaring and we can be doubly cozy!! :) I am really enjoying reading the "Little House on the Praire" series to them. I am enjoying them as much as they are! They are kind of funny because they are not catching everything exactly as it happens, but for their little minds they are doing quite well. As they get older they will absorb more of it, but for now we are building a foundation. It is great to watch. Steve is exciting to watch, too. He was not really in to reading until he met me and even then it took me a few years of our marriage to convince him reading was awesome! Anyway, his desire for the kids is for them to LOVE reading and to realize what a great adventure they can go on through a book. He was in the kitchen a few minutes ago asking the kids about what they heard from the "Little House" book we are reading. He was getting excited about it with them and that is wonderful. I truly hope my children love to read and do it more and more as they get older. Wesley is getting there and Mikayla loves it. I am so glad. :)

One of my dear friends cooked us a lasagna for supper tonight. A couple of weeks ago she cooked us chicken enchiladas and mexican rice. What a precious friend she is. That meant so much to me today when she called because I had just gotten home and was wondering what we were doing for supper. God is good to give us friends.

Well, not a lot of time to chat now because I have two sets of tests to grade. They are calling my name... along with a nice bowl of icecream, maybe... or maybe something else. hee hee Have a great day!

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