Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hump day

Here is a flower I took at my Mom's neighbors house the other day. I think it is called a Florida Orchid. It was realllly pretty. I loved the colors it has.

Here is my latest exciting picture of the kiddos. I took this at her house as well. I was taking spring pictures of them and had the best time posing them around all of her things. She is a Master Gardener and her yard is beyond words. I don't have that kind of talent. The only plants I can keep alive are fake ones! ha!!! Anyway, one of my friends suggested I get this one made into a canvas print. I am not sure how much those cost, but am looking into it. I love how it shows innocence and calmness. I was quite tickled with this shot, I must say. I took 15 to get this ONE! But...that is what all photographers do from what I understand.

I am so ready for school to be out and my life to get to a different pace. I am tired of all the running and going constantly. My body is showing the weariness big time.

It rained an inch and a half at our house last night! That is awesome news because we have needed it so much! I thank the Lord for what He sent. It is raining really softly and slowly right now. It is quite exciting to see and I am thankful that the Lord has given us this as well. The grass and all the plants are just soaking it all in..I know THEY are excited!

Wesley kept talking about the frogs today and how he knows they are loving the rain. He retains information like all get out but getting the boy to get his work done is another story. It continues to show me that we have made the right choice by holding them back next year. It definitely will not hurt them.

Well, we have church tonight and I have some tests that want to be graded that are screaming out my name so I better get going for now. I am also going to go enjoy the rain. I had a wonderful thought of a FIRE this evening since it is rainy and a bit chillier than we have had in a few weeks. That thought quickly left me, though, because I know that wouldn't happen. ha!! :)

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