Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Yes, I am still here.....

I realize I was on Spring Break last week and could have written all of the time, but I didn't. I spent the week catching up on a few things I hadn't been able to get done as well as just enjoying the time off. The kids had a blast and played outside as much as possible. I had the one day where I thought I might enjoy cooking again, but that was short-lived. hee hee

The weekend was fast and furious with the kids birthday party and Easter. I haven't had a chance to upload any of those pictures yet. It is amazing how my time gets eaten up by "whatever" each day. The party was great and Easter was beautiful. I thanked God for the gift of His Son. I know without Him we would not have eternal life. He is our Savior and King.

We got some rain yesterday. Wow, are we really needing it. I must say, though, that I continue to be amazed at the workings of God's Creation. Even though we are in a pretty serious drought there are still green leaves popping out on trees and plants growing. I realize some things aren't as pretty this year as they have been but they are still living and green!!! How anyone can believe that God has just left this world to chance...OR that it was created by CHANCE has serious issues. God still holds His Creation in the palm of His hands. He has never gone away from us or what He has created. I thank Him for that. Above is the flower off of my brother's rosemary bush. I thought it was simple, yet lovely. Rosemary is a very nice herb for cooking. (I only know this because of dishes my brother has either prepared or made me prepare. ha!!!)

We also got to see Miss Pearl yesterday. (She is the one that kept Wesley and Mikayla since they were four months old till they started school and had the strokes last fall.) She was looking MUCH better than we thought. When we walked in she beamed when she saw the kids. They were thrilled to see her, too. She got up walking and that is a good thing. Apparently she has been a bit stubborn with the nurses. Now that I know where she is and that she is well enough for the kids to see her I will try to get in there more often. Wesley and Mikayla were so glad to see her...they have truly missed her.

It was back to reality for us today. The morning came early and the day went by quickly but it still felt long. My house is back to disaster mode and I figure one day I'll get it right. I still have boxes from their party scattered through the den. Toys are scattered along with Easter goodies. When will they be gotten up? Who knows. Right now that is not priority. Homework, some kind of supper (that usually Steve helps prepare!) and a hot shower are always first on my list when we finally get home. LOL!!!

My orange birkenstock flip sandals came today. I got an awesome deal on them. :) Wesley and Mikayla thought they were pretty neat. I now have eleven pair of Birkenstocks! Can you say that I am addicted?????? Maybe a little....

Well, the bed is calling for me. It is back to the weary state of mind for me. I am off to read and then to sleep. Tomorrow will be here before I know it.

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