Saturday, April 01, 2006

Thinking back six years....

My precious babies are six today. How quickly time has flown. Here they are in their hospital bassinet just a day old. Today has been a day of thinking back and remembering for me. I woke up this morning just about the same time I did six years ago. I was in labor, but didn't realize it at the moment and before the day was over we had two healthy and beautiful children. It has been even more neat the way that this year their birthday fell on a Saturday...just like when they were born. Where has the time gone?????

Little did I realize how my life would change. I always knew life would never be the same again....I just didn't realize the deepness of that change. I remembered parts of my labor all day today and when it was time for their special moment of being born I ran to them, hugged them and told them HAPPY BIRTHDAY and that they were born at that moment. Just thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes knowing it has been six years already. I am SO THANKFUL my children are growing and are healthy but to realize how quickly it is passing is what makes me more sad about it. I am celebrating THEM and the life God has given them but I also look at them and wish time could slow down. I think of all the times we can't have our special moments because of the busyness of our lives. It just shouldn't be that way.

Last night we went out with Mom, Dad and my brother to the Angus of our most favorite celebrate a lot of things from this year but mainly Wesley and Mikayla's birthday. They were treated really special and it was a great night. We got in late, though, and that caused us to feel a bit draggy today. Our day today was quite busy because we had a special event at school most of the day. While it was a lot of fun, it was also an exhausting first part of the day. We came home and watched a movie to relax a bit. Wesley hung out with me on the couch for most of it. I cherished that time with him. After that we took our picture with them in between the times of their births like we always do every year. What a special thing for me each year. I look forward to it and enjoy looking back at the changes.

This evening Mom, Dad and my brother came over and we had a simple supper, cake and they opened their presents. They were so excited this year. It has been fun to watch them. They got lots of nice things and were tickled to get them. They were pretty tired, though, because they haven't had a lot of rest the past couple of days and this week has been super crazy on top of it. They were ready for bed, that was for sure.

I have said all of this to say that, yes, I miss how my babies were so little and the things they did. It is hard to see your babies grow up so quickly in front of you. However, I am so glad to see them growing and maturing and learning each day. The things they do and say just crack us up. They are so much fun to watch everyday. Tonight I was curled up with Mikayla before she said her prayers and telling her how it was when they stayed with us that first night in the hospital. It was precious to me to be able to share these memories with them now. How my Mother's Heart is filled with emotion tonight... I thank God for my precious, precious babies and what they mean to me.... Happy Birthday, Babies.....

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