Saturday, April 22, 2006

Receiving Christ

Steve and I had the most precious moment with our children. Tonight, Wesley and Mikayla asked Jesus to come into their heart and save them from their sins. They have been asking questions for a while now and we've been talking with them but not wanting to rush. This is a decision they had to make for themselves. What a sweet moment to know both of them accepted Christ in the same night. There was no pressure from us....we told them it had to be THEIR choice. They both wanted to ask Him to come in. Wesley asked Jesus to come into his heart and then thanked Him for all the things He has made...and tractors, too. Mikayla asked Jesus to come into her heart and then thanked Him for her family and friends. It brought tears to mine and Steve's eyes. I will always hold this day dear in my heart. I know they still have a lot to learn, but at least they are now babes in Christ that will learn to be more like Him each day. They still aren't perfect, but they are now sinners saved by the grace of God!

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