Thursday, April 26, 2012


Dogwood blooms go through quite a transformation as they begin to bud.  I love watching things come to life!

We went to the Fine Arts competition with Mikayla today.  She was going for her poetry.  

We are not sure what she placed, or if she placed at all, but she did an excellent job.  We told her we were proud of her no matter what because we knew she did her best for the Lord.

I tried to get her to say her poem again this afternoon so I could video it for you all, but it seems our sweet dog, Molly, was quite the distraction after the nerves of the day settled down.  :)  

It was wonderful to take the day off of school and be Mom again.  

It was quite interesting to actually go through front carpool and wait for Wesley!

I embarrassed him as any good mother would do.  When he was coming out I yelled "Wesley!  Oh, Wessie!!" out the window.  

It was glorious.

I love embarrassing my children.  :)

Back to being Mrs. Fowler tomorrow.

1 comment:

wendy said...

You have the best close-up shots. Glad your girl did well at fine arts. It takes a lot of guts to get up in front of people and do that.