Thursday, April 05, 2012


Oh, how I love droplets of water....

I was thinking earlier in the week on how Jesus was sent to be crucified while a murderer was set free.

Remember, his name was Barabbas.

The Jews wanted to set him free so that they could "get rid" of the One Who had done no wrong.

I'll be honest... it wasn't until I was thinking on this the other day did I see myself as Barabbas.

I am the murderer, the robber, the criminal, the one who should be punished.

But Jesus took that punishment for me.  He allowed me to go free, just as He did Barabbas.  He could have turned that around and had Barabbas die the death he deserved, but Jesus didn't open His mouth.  In Barabbas Jesus saw me... and you.

He saw the whole world who needed a Savior.

He chose to give His life.

This is why He came.  

He took the punishment for our crimes of sin against Him.

To set us free.

I am no different than Barabbas.  Neither are you.

Have you ever admitted your sin to Jesus?  Have you ever truly realized you are just like Barabbas and Jesus took your place by dying for you?

He alone can save you because of the blood He shed on the cross when He gave His life.

1 comment:

truth in weakness said...

this week holds such wonderfuls reminders, doesn't it? i've been thinking a lot lately about the fact that i need the power of the Cross not only for salvation, but also in my moment-to-moment living. i know that sounds incredibly elementary, but i read a POWERFUL article by tullian tchividjian (billy graham's grandson) where he said this:
"I once assumed that the gospel was simply what non-Christians must believe in order to be saved, while afterward we advance to deeper theological waters. But I've come to realize that once God rescues sinners, his plan isn't to steer them beyond the gospel but to move them deeper into it. We never outgrow our need for the gospel."

(isn't that phenomenal?!?!)

the article's here if you want to read it. i can't recommend it ENOUGH!

may you & your family have a blessed celebration of our life in Him, friend!
- tanya