Monday, April 23, 2012


These "yellow bells" (or forsythia) were so lovely a few weeks ago.  They don't last long at this stage so I am glad I get to still enjoy those beautiful blooms!
Work with me on today's post... everything begins with an "I."

...cannot stand TV's in restaurants.  There is nothing like sitting in front of someone who is gazing at the screen behind your head.  Great communication.

.... have a hard time with people that do not listen when I am trying to help.

..... drank so much homemade mocha latte this past weekend that I probably gained five pounds.

...... only have 4 more Mondays of school.

..... need to clean my house.... seriously.  

......  lost a folder at school that had important information in it.   Thankfully, my sidekick Lori found it!  

...... have too many things on my plate right now, but seem to keep adding more.

...... put in two contacts in the same eye this past Saturday.  I thought my vision had drastically changed in 24 hours.

...... haven't exercised since last Tuesday.  That is not good.

...... cannot wait to photograph a newborn this weekend.  :)

...... found out through searching for something for my class that the Metro (subway) in Washington, DC is 36 years old.

...... am taking off of school to go with Mikayla to her Fine Arts performance this Thursday.  I'll have to get her to say it for you all.

..... still get butterflies when Sweet Man winks at me.

...... love chocolate.  (oh, you already knew that...)

1 comment:

Lori H. said...

Mrs. Lawri to the rescue!! LOL!!