Monday, April 16, 2012



My spring break is over.

It has been back to school today.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time off.... and desperately needed it.

So what did I do over my wonderful break?

1.  I finished a book I had been reading, read another whole book and started another book and got through the middle of the book.

2.  I photographed my very own babies.  We did their 12 year pics at the clinic where my Daddy works.  It was awesome.

3.  I photographed a bride for her portrait.  I will be photographing the wedding in June.  We had a great time.  :)  (Can't show you sneak peaks of that, now can I?)

4.  I slept in... a lot.

5.  I exercised more than I normally have a chance to do.  It was good... although I don't think there were any pounds lost. lol

6.  I took naps.

7.  I went to Siler City and got their famous cheeseburgers.  I ate my cheeseburger, the rest of Wesley's and the rest of Mikayla's.  (Maybe that is why there was no pound loss this week?? lol)  I figure I only get them every now and again so I was going to enjoy the scrumptiousness of them!  Steve got to go this time... he has never been before.  He loved it and wished we could have stayed longer.  We saw three bulls fighting and were all mesmerized watching them.  We do well with cheap entertainment.  It really is a neat place to visit.

8.  I enjoyed the wonder of new birth while watching baby birds in a nest on the door decoration at our front door.  We heard them all week and it drove the cats crazy.  We got to see them begin flying yesterday.  I would have loved to have photographed them better, but I didn't get a chance.  You'll eventually see a pic or two of the mom or dad with one of the babies.  

9.  I finally got to meet an online friend, Amy.  She lives in California and was coming out here with her daughter to check out colleges.  Steve and I opened our home to them both to help with the cost of hotels.  We only got to spend a few hours together as they got in at 2:30 Sunday morning (Easter) and had to leave after church.  Hopefully she will send me a pic of us together that they took at church.  I couldn't believe I had forgotten to take a picture!  Maybe it was that 3:30 bedtime and 7:30 rising to get to church that did it to me.  :)  It truly was wonderful to finally meet her after knowing her online all of these years!

10.   I enjoyed not hearing "Mrs. Fowler" but "MOM."  I loved every minute of being home with my kiddos.  I cherish those times.  I watched them use their imaginations and work hard around the house.  I never once heard "I am bored."  I am thankful.

11.  I got my second wind to finish out this year.  We only have 6 weeks of school left.


1 comment:

Amy ~ Just Being Aimlyss said...

Hi Kellie! Thank you so much for letting us stay with you. You and your family were quite gracious in opening your home, especially considering the horrible time we arrived! It was WONDERFUL to meet you in person and your family too. :) I will send you a pic this week, I have a few.