Monday, May 08, 2006

Remembering a year ago

I have posted this picture before but thought it would be nice to show again. I love this picture. It is just a peaceful scene to me. I took it last year around this time.

Well, Mom has made it to her one year mark today. A year ago on this date she was admitted to the hospital and was so close to being gone from us. I can honestly look back and say her life is a miracle. We are blessed to still have her. Yesterday was Homecoming at our church and so many people were talking about how good Mom looked. We are so thankful.

I have thought a lot about the emotions I was facing a year ago. I know I am a different person in some ways than I was then. I always want things done right, but I find that some things don't have to be done when I think they do because I need to spend time with my children, husband, family or friends. I have learned to "step over" the piles that are all over my house because I can't do it all. I have learned to take each day as a precious gift. Now, honestly, that last one can get pushed down so far on the daily items that we forget it and take it for granted. Usually something happens, though, to jolt us back to the understanding that the Lord is gracious in giving us another day.

Today the Lord answered a small prayer for me with one of my students that had lost something. Before I tried to find the item I prayed that God would direct me....I found it a few seconds later!! It was a testament to the children that God answers prayers in the little things and the big things.

Yesterday it rained ALL day and it was wonderful! Talk about a day to be lazy and hang out!! After church and Homecoming we came home and watched a movie first and then we all hung out together on our bed. I was reading a book, Steve was watching golf and the kids were "reading" a book together...but we were TOGETHER. Now, was the house immaculate? NO.... Was everything put away where it belongs??? NO.... BUT, we enjoyed our time together and it is now a little precious memory for me.

Well, I have 2 tests to grade so I guess I need to get going. Enjoy the special moments of your day and thank God for the gift of your life!

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