Thursday, May 18, 2006

Graduation and "God gave us a rainbow"

Today was graduation day for the Kindergarteners at our school. Wesley and Mikayla were a part of that group and it was a sweet day. I took off and actually got to be a Mom all day. :) Even though we know they'll be doing this again next year, it was an emotional and sweet time. They did a play beforehand about all they had learned this year entitled "God's Kinder-Garden" and Wesley's tractor was needed as a prop! He was thrilled that it was with him at school but he did NOT like the fact it wasn't at home with him when he got home! LOL After the graduation we went to their end of the year picnic. Mikayla and another little boy in her class earned Perfect Attendance! It was pretty neat. They also earned Fitness ribbons and Reading awards for meeting the goals set by the teachers.

After the picnic, we came home and began cleaning. This house is in total disaster mode and it still isn't finished but at least we got some parts of it cleaner than they were. Some of our precious friends dropped by to see us and got to stay for a bit. Time flies when we are with them. We hadn't seen them in so long. We are planning on a play date soon.

After they left a storm came up (in fact, it is storming RIGHT NOW!) and the sun also came out! In the sky there was the most BEAUTIFUL full rainbow...the biggest one I have ever seen. It was low to the sky and I could see it all. This picture of it just doesn't do it justice... It was beautiful. Mikayla was out with me on the front porch when I was taking the pictures and she said "God gave us a rainbow, Mommy!" The truth that comes out of the mouth of babes...

Since it is storming I must get off the computer. Have a blessed day and I pray God sends you some rainbows to make you smile today.

1 comment:

Amy said...

The rainbow is so pretty and the graduation pictures are very sweet. I can tell Wesley loves that tractor! Congratulations to Mikayla on the perfect attendance award.