Thursday, October 11, 2012



Have you missed me?

Yes, I have been gone for quite a while.

I'll have to catch you up on that later.  Too much to write.

Today is 10/11/12.  I couldn't forget to write on such a monumental date!!

It is October.  

You know what that means... the NC STATE FAIR.

We have been busy bees around our house getting ready.... in the middle of school, Cross Country, homework, etc... etc....

SO, without further ado, here are our entries for this year.

My photograph.  
As you know from my previous years, I never know what the judges are looking for.  I don't want to do my nature pictures because they seem to be what a lot of people do.  I had the kids help me pick out the entry for this year.... I like old stuff, so this lock was it.  I took it at Old Salem in March.  I love that place and I love this lock.  

Doubt I'll win, but at least if you go you can try and find it.

This past weekend we had the "Fowler Bake-Off" on Sunday afternoon/night.  It was full of memory making moments and lots of laughs.... and a few heated moments when something was forgotten in the oven......

Mikayla is showing off her skills with the sifter near my beloved RUBY the mixer.  Mikayla has decided there needs to be more left-handed sifters in the world.  We'll go search for one.

Here is Wes by his famous Honey Muffins....  He did a great job this year with his baking.

Mikayla having a moment.  I don't know where she gets this from.

My cheese straws worked in the cookie press this year!  I found a new recipe and was SO excited.  I realize I don't look as excited as Mikayla up above, but it was late when this picture was taken.....

Aren't they beauties!?  They tasted awesome, too!

Here are all of the food entries.  Below I will show you/tell you what each of us entered.

Here are Wesley's:
Chocolate Pound Cake
Macadamia Nut Brittle
Honey Muffins (will be found in the Expo building with the honey stuff)

Chocolate Brownies
Layer Cake with buttercream frosting... pink, of course
Blueberry Muffins... that, unfortunately, were the last muffins baked for the day in an oven that had been on for about 6 hours.  They still tasted great!
Apple Raisin Bread - OH. MY. WORD... good with some coffee, peeps.
CHEESE STRAWS that actually worked this year.  STINKIN' good.

Wesley entered another Lego creation.  This was a crane with moving parts.

 Our jams/chutney
Wesley - Pineapple Jam
Mikayla - Grape Jam
 (Unfortunately, her mother signed up her and Wesley in the same category of jams... a no no.  SO... since hers was a new recipe and we were concerned it didn't come out well, we made an executive decision for Wesley's to be entered.  She was fine with that.)
Peach Jam
Mango Pepper Chutney
We will be going on Saturday to seek and find out if we won anything.  According to the teachers at school that always enjoy a taste test of the leftovers, this was our best year yet.  

We shall see.  :)


Jennifer Talley said...

I think your picture is amazing!! And I'm sure the treats are all very yummy. Good luck!! :)

SandyM said...

It all looks yummy, & from past experience of being a recipient I know they'll taste as good as they look!
Sometimes it takes something unique in photography to get the judges attention. I love pictures of old things, too.

wendy said...

welcome back! that is a great picture. of course, you have so many that it was probably hard to choose.