Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So what in the world have I been doing that I couldn't get on here for a month and talk to you all????


I could not believe how busy life had gotten when school started.  It is always busy at the first of the year but when you add in the Cross Country and Lego Club, etc.... it became ridiculous.  Last week all I wanted to do was just get HOME at a decent hour.

My teaching this year is so different and I am loving it.  That Hovercam I shared with you in a previous post has been something that has opened up a whole new world for me in teaching.  It is allowing me to visually show things that before I could not show as well because of them being too small.  Now I can project all kinds of things on the board and ALL of the kids see it.  Today I was showing them the difference between 1/2 and 1/4 and which one was bigger.  I could SEE on the faces of the kids how much better they were getting it than years prior.  Being a visual learner myself this is something I am loving, too.  haha!  I am also seeing a lot less stress in the getting work done area and that makes me feel better.  I am not as exhausted by trying to explain something a million times while standing on my head, and the kids are grasping things quicker and carrying it through on their next work. 

Photography for me has been kind of busy!  I haven't been able to photograph "stuff" lately, but I have been able to photograph people.  It excites me when people love the moments I am able to capture for them.  I also learned that wearing Birkenstocks while climbing on wet rocks because you forgot to change into tennis shoes is NOT good for photographing anyone or anything.  NOTE TO SELF:  Do not do that again.

I have also had writer's block.  I think one of the reasons is because I truly have not had time to think on things to write because my brain is so full of all things school/home/photographing/etc...
My juices just aren't flowing as of late.  I couldn't get over how wonderful it felt to write that post yesterday.  It showed me how much I really miss getting out my thoughts. 

I am also behind on READING other blogs.  I know it has been since August since I have read my friend's blogs!  I just need to sit down with the laptop one evening and have a reading session.  For those of you that might hear from me from a post in August/September, don't be surprised.  I do like to let you all know I am still alive and reading.

We were proud of our boy doing Cross Country this year.  We had a lot to work through and understand to help him.  First it was getting his shoes right, then it was hydrating and eating the right stuff, and finally it was learning how to juggle it all with school.  I loved the season, loved cheering him on and am looking forward to him running more over the next year to get ready for next Cross Country season.  He actually wants to run an 8k on Thanksgiving morning so I am going to sign him up for that.  :)  Here is a pic of my little guy going to the finish.

I have had several people tell me they missed my blog.  I am glad to be missed.  Hopefully I won't have as much of a lull now.    :)


Mrs. Huntley said...

Loved those pictures of that young man! The backgrounds were so perfect for a guy!

SandyM said...

First, I LOVE your header! I realized that you offered to help me with that & I haven't taken you up on it... so in spite of your busyness, when I send you the pictures don't hesitate to tell me you can't do it now.
Love the pic of W. running: brought back some very fond memories (aren't cross country meets fun to watch?!)
I too have been in a blog lull for months, both writing & reading. I now have enough blog fodder to last a long time if I'll just get to doing it!