Friday, October 12, 2012


I'm all over the place in this post today, but what do you expect from someone who has been MIA for a month?

I love this picture simply because it was a raindrop (or two) on a beetle.  

I am not so fond of insects, but I do have to teach them.

That means I have to get excited about them.

I try, really I do.  I do think it is fascinating to see their details and how God created them.

However, hanging outside trying to catch them... not so much for me.

A couple of weeks ago the second grade went on a pond study field trip.  We were able to enjoy many aspects of God's creation.

I touched a tadpole.  That is huge.

I had some students who wanted me to touch a crayfish.  I know where to draw the line.

On to other things......

Today I had a teacher workday.  I took some cold medicine that was for nighttime... I fell asleep putting grades in the computer. 

I ate a lot of starlight mints at school to keep me awake.  At least I had fresh breath.

I ate lunch with one of my best friends.  It had been a long time since we had talked.

Did you know that Native Americans used a combination of animal brains and liver to tan the hides of the animals they killed?  Yeah, we are studying Native Americans right now.  That fact of tanning the hides always amazes me.

I have a photo shoot tonight.  Such a beautiful day for one!

I am going to the State Fair tomorrow.  Can't wait to see our stuff.

I need a nap.  It is that cold medicine's fault.

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