Friday, January 26, 2007


I have done it again.... gone a while without posting. Sorry. Some nights I just don't have the energy or the words to say anything after being at school all day. It has been a good week, but busy. I am glad it is Friday.

My picture of today is from our brief snow last week. It was so neat how the snow "glowed" when I tried to get the bird at the feeder.

Mikayla lost her second tooth on Tuesday night!! She was still a bit scared but did really well when Steve pulled it out. She was tickled pink to be "tied" with Wesley on the amount of teeth lost. :) Her permanent teeth are coming in so she won't be toothless very long.

I am feeling a bit under the weather. It isn't that I am feeling horrible, but I have a cold that isn't wanting to leave me alone and my voice started leaving me this afternoon. I guess after teaching all day it couldn't take much more. I was actually surprised it lasted till the end of the day.

It is supposed to be a nice weekend around here. I have been asked to take pictures of another friend of mine's daughter. I am a bit nervous because I want to do them right. I hope they turn out alright. What I do with my own children is one thing but when you do for someone else's they may not turn out like you had hoped!!! We'll see. It is supposed to be in the lower 60's tomorrow so at least it won't be so cold that we will "freeze."

I was going to come home yesterday and clean the bathrooms and get a jump start on the sweeping/mopping/vacuuming, but that didn't happen. Between talking with parents and friends who stopped by at school and then having to make phone calls once I got home I never got in my groove to get it done. Today I just plain didn't want to do it with dealing with this cold and loss of voice. I made the kids clean their bathrooms. Tomorrow we'll work on the rest.

Wesley has had a tough week around here. He is learning the value of listening and obeying the first time. Boys are definitely different from girls... I *think* I will be glad when he turns seven. ha!! I don't want to wish their life away but I would like for him to mature a bit more right now. I know boys are later in the maturing process.

We are having Chinese tonight... I have to watch how much I eat! This diet thing is very interesting. I did manage to lose 2 pounds but for what I went through to get there it surely wasn't pleasant. ha!!! I am really not having as big of a problem with not eating a lot of the foods I love, but it is the constant "obsessing" over what I am eating that is annoying. I hope it pays off.

I am off to find a movie for all of us to see. I probably should grade some papers, too, so I don't have to worry about them this weekend. :) Have a good one and enjoy some hot chocolate for me....

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