Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Summer is over

Well, it was wonderful while it lasted. I can honestly say it was a great one. I was able to get a lot accomplished as well as get some much needed rest and rejunvenation. I feel much more prepared to start the school year than I did last year. It is nice not having all of those emotions from last year hanging over me.

I have spent the last two days working on this computer doing things for school. I guess, technically, my vacation ended last Friday. It is good, though, because I have marked a lot of other things off my list. What a relief!!

Here are a list of things I will remember from my wonderful summer: (they are in no particular order)
1. sleeping "late"
2. laughter
3. sprinklers and mud
5. scrapbooking
6. CLEANING and organizing
7. photographs
8. spending time with friends
9. being home with my children and just being a "MOM"
10. laid back
11. no stress
12. the smell of cut grass
13. fresh veggies from the garden
14. watching my children grow and mature
15. spending the day in my grubby clothes if I so chose
16. not combing Mikayla's hair for a day or so... hee hee
17. eating lunch with my Mom and Dad
18. going to the beach for the day
19. freedom to go and come as I please
20. Birkenstocks and my Rainbow flip-flops :)

I am refreshed...for now. I realize by next week I'll be tired again but I am glad I was able to revive over the summer. I hope this will allow me to be all I can with the Lord's help.

My picture for today was taken at a local park yesterday. Yes, I am still trying to work on a photo for that nature contest. We'll see.... I was pretty tickled to get some dragonflies and other creatures. These didn't scare the daylights out of me. lol

Enjoy your evening. I'm going to get me a bowl of icecream (which I really need to stop before I get as big as a cow) and enjoy my last summer evening at home...

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