Thursday, November 24, 2011



I am thankful for:

my Savior, my God

His Living Word

my most amazing and wonderful husband

my precious kiddos who make my heart happy

best friends who listen, understand, are there for you no matter what

a family that supports you through thick and thin

my home

my "Golden Chariot"


food in my cabinets and refrigerator

a washer and dryer


the crackle of a fire

Wesley's creative mind

Mikayla's scents from Bath and Body Works


sun shining through leaves

the smell of cut grass

our dog Molly.... and her precious and silly antics

our kitties Sammy and Isabelle... and their sweet natures

warm sheets


running water

my life


Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

What an awesome list! Sounds as though you are truly blessed!!! :)

Hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

truth in weakness said...

thank you for this example of a grateful heart. i think i need to go make a list like this. b/c as a family who currently is not able to enjoy the comforts of a thanksgiving meal due to health reasons, i was struggling yesterday (& lingering into today) with some "glass half empty" feelings. but i know that the Lord is clearly allowing things to be stripped away in my life so that my comfort, my joy, my life -- will revolve solely around Christ alone.

everything a loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. that i may gain Christ & be found in Him!