Wednesday, November 09, 2011


 The beauty of fall flowers....
 I have had some of you ask about my new shoes I bought last week.

I love them.  

When you are on your feet all day you definitely can't do the 4 inch heels any longer.  

There are also a lot of flats out there that kill your feet after wearing them for a short time.

I have worn Birkenstocks for 6 years now and haven't had issues with my legs and feet since I have worn them.  I truly love them, too.

However, I want a little pizzazz every now and then to dress things up a bit.

I began noticing a few of the teachers at school wearing these shoes last year.  I just wasn't aware of them, plus I was happy with my Birks.

As the year has continued I have heard those ladies talk about how comfortable these shoes are so I figured I would add to my collection.  Anything for my legs and feet is worth it.... 

So, without further ado, here are the two pairs that I bought the other day:

This is my brown tortoise shell pair.
 Here is my black pair.
For those of you that have known me a long time, you realize this is a bit different from what I normally would choose in the glitzy department.  I am learning to step out of my duct taped box a bit and enjoy some splash of festivity on my feet.  :)

I highly recommend them!

1 comment:

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Loving your new shoes!!! A lady that works with me, wears these, and has very high praise for them as well!

~enjoy them! :)