Thursday, November 10, 2011



Today I am thankful for:

paint on the floor

dull spots on my dining room table where my son used paint without a drop cloth and used a Magic Eraser to get it off... and took off the finish

paint on the kitchen chair

clothes unfolded

Legos in the middle of the floor

jelly on the counter

a zillion plastic cups in the dishwasher

I could go on...

But it means I am thankful for my healthy, active children.

I see evidences of them around all of the time.

Some of these evidences are becoming dear to my heart even though they "mess up" something in the house.

I am reminded to be thankful because I have thought of and said prayers for this family often lately.

I found out about them through Facebook about 3 weeks ago.

Their story of losing their precious girl, Lydia, at 7 1/2 years brought me to sobs.

Take time to read their journey and you will understand why.  

It gives stresses in life a different perspective.


Gretchen said...

thanks for a great reminder of so much to be thankful for. I'm off to read their story... after I grab the tissue box.

Sandy said...

I should have grabbed the tissue box! Oh my.... what a story of faith!