Thursday, September 06, 2012


So let's talk about exercise....

I have, thankfully, been able to continue mine since school has started.  I have been determined.

Some days I am doing all I can to get through the exercises, but overall I can see such a difference in my stamina!

As you know if you have been reading my blog for a while, I LOVE Zumba.  It has its moments of confusion with the dance steps, but I think I have come far in the almost 3 months of doing it.  I can go from loving it to dreading it in one song change.  haha!  It is nice to have it change up every song so nothing is the same. 

I have also gotten into a new program called Walk at Home.  These are DVD's and I have the one where I use weights.   Leslie Sansone is the instructor and she is great.  I have found that holding 2 pound weights while working out is a bit more challenging than you would think!  haah!  I am working on toning muscle and helping that heart rate. 

It is nice to do these on opposite days to give me different workouts for my body.  I had to buy some dance shoes in which to do my Zumba.  My regular tennis shoes are too heavy and have too much tread for home and carpet. 

What I love is that Wesley and Mikayla cheer me on when I exercise.  I appreciate the encouragement!

I do not have problems with sweating during these workouts.  Just sayin'.

Unfortunately, I have seen no weight loss so I am not quite sure what is up with that, but at least I am toning muscle and doing it for my health.  I am trying to figure out where I need to change to improve that.

So... if you want to get going on an exercise program where you don't have to leave your home.... try these out.  Zumba comes on DVD's, too.

1 comment:

wendy said...

you are rockin' the exercise plan, girl! this week i've been able to get back into the walking with wilson since my leg isn't killing me too much. never tried zumba although there's a place down the road that offers classes. i think i'd probably kill myself trying to do it.