Tuesday, August 07, 2012


I can honestly say it was so good to see old and new friends today.

There are a lot of changes at school this year.... three great teachers and friends retired last year and it was weird not having them there. 

I was thinking today how amazed I am at how much education has changed in the years I have been teaching.  We have gone from using flashcards to using computer websites to generate flashcards.  We have gone to everything on paper to much being done electronically.  I used to have phone conversations with parents and now much is done through email... or even texting!  Chalkboards changed to white boards and now white boards are being changed to Smartboards or using an overhead camera to project things on the board.  WOW....

I embrace a lot of this, as I discussed last week, but there are some parts of school that still have to be "school."  I love the hugs from the kids... the conversations.... the moments you can watch the wonder fill their eyes when they "get it."  I love using something in technology to enhance what I already do.

I often wonder, though.... will there ever be a time when a teacher is not needed?  It gave me food for thought today.  With the way things are on the web now there may come a time when a teacher is obsolete!!  Never in my wildest dreams did I think that when I was thinking of what I wanted to be when I "grew up." 

I pray it never happens, as I would be without a job, but it does make one wonder....

What is something about technology that you have embraced and what is something with which you have had a hard time?

1 comment:

mc said...

I love my Smartboard, for sure! The hard part has been learning how to create my own projects for it. I am a slow learner when it comes to technology!