Thursday, August 09, 2012


Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

This was the verse in my Bible study last night that the Lord used to "hit me over the head."
As I have shared this summer, this past year was a hard one for me.  I was burnt out and needed some time to be still before the Lord and find "ME" again.  I know that happens in our profession from time to time, and this year... it happened to me.

You may have noticed I haven't written as much on here this summer, too.  I just haven't had a lot to say and I feel it was because of burnout.

This picture below shows how I have felt.... I just wanted to curl up somewhere and be quiet. 

 (I realize this flower is just opening up, but work with me.  :)  )

Throughout the summer, the Lord has slowly been allowing me to find me again.  I have been having time of renewal that can only come from Him.  I am so thankful for that!

 Last night as Galatians 6:9 leaped off the page of my Bible, I couldn't soak it in fast enough.  I had to do a Greek word study on different words in the text.  (I am not studying Greek.... this is just part of the Bible study..)  Here is what I wrote for each of the words I was to find:

Here is the verse again to help:

Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

weary - exhausted - which is how I felt at the end of the last school year.

well - affecting the mind agreeably, comforting, confirming - what I do each day... teaching children

doing - to make ready, to prepare - again, this is what I do... it is my life as a teacher!

due - belonging to one's self - I had a season of a difficult time.  It was not forever.

season - the right time - God's timing is always perfect even when things are hard.  There were things I have learned this past year that have helped me even though they were difficult and I couldn't wait for them to be over.

Last night it was like the Lord was saying....  

"Kellie, that was the past, don't faint, you will reap a difference now.  Trust me to take your sowing of "tears" from the past year so that you will "reap in joy" in this next season. Don't faint."
 As I trust in Him, I will come again with rejoicing bringing my sheaves with me!  (Psalm 1265-6)


I can honestly say I am now ready for a new school year. 

I am ready for a new season of what the Lord is going to bring.  

Everyday will not be sunshine and roses, but with the Lord at my side, holding me, comforting me, giving me strength, I can be that sower of seeds to bring forth much fruit to glorify Him.

 This year I am going to BLOOM where I am PLANTED by the SOWING of God's SEEDS in my life.


wendy said...

I understand about the lack of blogging. I feel like I never have anything new to say and who wants to hear me whine about not having a job every single day? I'll be praying for a fantastic school year for you. I might have to live vicariously through you. Still trying to wrap my head around that idea. sigh. . .

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Hi Kelli, I'm doing a Bible Study by Angela Thomas, "Brave; Honest Questions Women Ask." I went to Lifeway, and just felt so led to pick this one, and the first chapter was, "I Am Worn Out!" Two verses, Ezekiel 24:12 and Proverbs 30:1, speak of being weary. So many things can make us weary, ...physical AND mental/emotional toil can just wear us down. I'm looking forward to finding direction and renewal in my BS, too! The Lord knew just what I needed, when He guided my selection!!! So glad you have had a summer of renewal in the Lord! That's awesome and encouraging! :) Praying you have a great year!

Beth said...

So glad that you have renewed and bloomed over the summer so that you are fresh to teach my daughter. Glad to hear you are feeling better-honestly.