Sunday, January 06, 2013


I never mentioned some things we got for Christmas...

You know I have never been one for our children to become obsessed with video games and such.  I have always wanted to increase their imagination by them playing outside or inside with things instead of being mesmerized and controlled by something electronic.

By my own admission, I do love my computer, the internet, and my smartphone.  I have had to learn how to balance that, though.  These are things that can easily become idols in my life and I have to ask the Lord daily to help me with that!  :)

If you have read my blog for a while, you know that last summer I went to a workshop on technology.  This workshop changed my thinking of some of our electronic devices and how they can help in our education of children.  Plus the fact.... technology is not going anywhere!!

There have been many adults (I used to be one of them) who would always frown upon seeing something electronic accompany a child in any place.  

As my thoughts have changed, I see it as no different than the word search books, reading books, car games, etc... that my Mom used to have us take with us to keep us entertained and "giving us something to do."  (Although, I know there are some that are just plain mind numbing and I still don't agree with that.)

It is just different.  It is all together in one device!  

 Different doesn't necessarily mean bad. 

Balance is important... as it is with anything.

SO... after experiencing one semester of Middle School with a slightly unorganized-but tries to be organized-losing things-more loss of interest in reading- son, I knew we had to work on something to help.  Having had that workshop this summer, the Lord prepared me for a different outlook.  

This year, the rage for all kids was to get a Tablet for Christmas.  I was against this at first because I thought it was just something to cause their minds to turn to mush and be nothing but another distracting entertainment piece.  As the semester went on, I talked with the teachers and began to see other things that the kids could do with a Tablet.  I began to see how a Tablet would help Wesley stay a little more organized.   The school now has Wi-Fi so the students can look up things on the WorldBook site and also practice things on Quizlet, etc....

(I must admit that the thought of him taking around a tablet was also a bit unnerving... didn't want something expensive to be destroyed easily!)

Steve and I talked about it, and we realized this was where we needed to go and we bought the kids these for Christmas:  Samsung Galaxy Tablet 7 inch

Oh, goodness... they love them.  

I am finding it quite interesting to see what they can do on these and how they can take notes, find Apps to help with stuff at school, organize their day, record their homework, search for information, etc...  They also have Kindles on the Tablet which has been awesome because now Wes doesn't have to keep up with fifty books... everything can be on the Tablet.  I have had some fun searching for good books for them to download and read.  (Of course, some of it is discouraging with the choices of books for their age.  It seems a majority deal with witchcraft, sorcery, and dark magic.  I don't want my kids reading that.)

Overall they have done very well with them.  We are teaching them balance.  They can't just be glued to it all day and not communicate with others.  However, it has also caused them to have others gather around them as they figure out different parts of some games we have allowed them to download.  One of Wesley's favorites is "Minecraft" ... he and his friends are IN LOVE with this game.  It is like electronic Legos.

I have laughed at how the boys all come in my room or another friend's Mom's room after school and they are all playing this on their Tablets. 

Again, balance is what we desire.  If I can help my scattered child (and the non-scattered child) become less that way, then I am thankful for the technology and what it can do.  

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I when I first began homeschooling, I attended a seminar on technology, fully expecting it to be AGAINST it. I was pleasantly surprised that she said the same thing: technology isn't going away and we as parents need to stay on top of it so we know what our kids are facing/enjoying/exposed to.
So happy for k&w! You got lots of good parent points for that gift!