Saturday, January 19, 2013


I have felt like this frog lately....

The snake has been sickness.

It has creeped up on me and been sitting back waiting to capture me in its grips.

Since November I have had the "crud" off and on.

I have become really good at picking out cold medicine.

I have even had a round of antibiotics finally but after being off of them a week, I had the joy of two viruses hit me at once.



This last one doesn't seem to be wanting to leave me, either.

I think another trip to the doctor is in order for the week ahead, but I must admit I fear hearing "It is just a virus and there is nothing we can really do"... AGAIN.

What is it this year?

I have heard of so many people having respiratory infections and really bad colds/bronchitis/pneumonia this year. 

Several of my fellow teachers have been battling this crud, too.  We normally don't get that sick because our immune systems have been exposed to most everything under the sun.

Could it be stress?  Crazy schedules?  Lack of rest?


I have tried recently to be better about these things.  It can be difficult at times.

Let's just pray that things get turned around and we become more sick free around here.  Wes has now come down with the same virus I had this past week....  great.  I don't like feeling crummy and I don't like seeing my family like that, either. 

OK.  Enough whining.

Turn that whine into thankfulness......

Thank you, Lord, for medicine and the ability to have our bodies heal.  You are in control, and I know that.  Thank you for teaching me patience in this "sick storm."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kellie bug , hang on girl - you are in the vally and God is fixing to put you on top of the mountain. We serve a good God , he is always there to help us . Love , Love !!