Tuesday, January 08, 2013


Have you seen this yet?


If not, you are missing out!!!

Kevin and I have seen it on the stage for four or five times.

For Christmas, he gave me a ticket to go see the movie on its opening day, which was Christmas Day!  We had never gone to a movie on its opening day.  It was awesome, but we got there so late we had to sit in the seats that are right at the screen and you could look up the people's noses.

This past weekend I went back to see it with a friend... it is THAT good.

There is no comparison between the play and the movie... they are both fabulous in their own right.

If you have never seen the play or the movie, I don't want to spoil anything for you.

There is no way I can truly discuss this movie/play on here... my words just aren't enough.  What I feel in my heart when I see this movie/play is such a reminder of God's grace, love, and mercy for us.  The main characters were pictures of what God's grace can do and what a strict keeper of the law can become. 

The law cannot fathom grace. 

The law only condemns. 

What a picture of how Christ came to show that the law is a boundary, yes, but it cannot save and it never will. 
Only by Christ's love for us in providing us grace and mercy can we start anew in any part of our lives.

I would go again to the theaters to see this movie... and I usually don't do that.  I look forward to seeing it again on stage some day as well.

Hugh Jackman... amazing.

Russell Crowe.. didn't know the man could sing!

The entire movie... beyond words..... you gotta go see it!

Here is the trailer for the movie:

1 comment:

Mich said...

It has been a while. Hope you had a beautiful holiday season.

I saw it. It was good.