Sunday, September 30, 2007


I know...two days in a row posting is unheard of from me lately. Hope you are sitting down as you read this. hee hee

I worked on a different banner for my blog title... What do you think? It took several tries to get it right but I finally figured it out. It may not LOOK complicated, but it was. lol

After church today we went to Yates Mill Pond park near our house. We walked around with my Mom and brother. It was really nice and the kids got some fitness points for school to boot!! Because of the drought the water was not running over the mill dam and we could actually walk out close to the wheel. It was quite neat to see it up close. We walked around the edge of the park as well on the trail. I had some little insect thingy get up my jeans and keep biting me on my knee. NOT the greatest thing to take pictures and itch. lol Here are a few pictures from that today. Hope you enjoy!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Kellie, I love all of you photos on this post. They're simple, yet powerful. Oh yes, your header looks GREAT! Did you do it in PS? I need to update mine! Amy :)