Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Yes, it has been a week... and what a week it has been!! Since I last posted, I have been back to school and found out that I probably went back a day or so earlier than I should but didn't really have a choice. (OK...I DID have a choice but didn't want to waste anymore time on lesson plans for a sub... I am a control freak, OK???) Last Wednesday I went back to school and it was all I could do to make it through the day. Everyone kept telling me I looked bad... gee, thanks. ha!! I was quite pale and didn't move very fast. The kids were great, though, and very understanding. I came home that day and took a 1 1/2 hour nap!!! On Thursday I got this renewed sense of energy and over did it for which I paid dearly on Friday! HA! By Friday I was just plain "give out." I am amazed at how much a minor surgery can take out of you!! No wonder it took my mother over a year to start feeling better!!!!!! I did find out at the follow up doctor visit on Friday that my gallbladder was chronically inflamed... which means it has been having issues for over a year (from what the doctor said). I think that explains a lot of things I have been dealing with in the last couple of years that I just kept thinking were heartburn or something like that. No wonder the medicine kept needing to be increased... it was just being a band-aid! It made me thankful I took my friend's advice and got a second opinion. I am glad the thing is gone and I am not having those pains any longer!!

Saturday we went to Steve's Dads to celebrate Steve and his brother's birthdays. I was tired but it was nice to relax... I even fell asleep while we were all talking on the back porch. Sad, huh? I was able to take more photos again which made me happy. I have truly missed that. I will share more of those shots later but these are pics of how bad the drought is in NC. It is worse where Steve's Dad lives but it is truly bad all over our area. We have been praying and praying for rain. I have never seen their boat dock with this less amount of water. There was no way we could have gone for a boat ride because his boat couldn't even reach the water when it was fully lowered!! Stumps were showing through as well. Steve and I were in "shock."

This week seems to be better. I am less sore, although I am finding if I don't keep that Advil in me I get really tender and a bit achy in the area of the surgery. Wesley was reading to me this afternoon and doing his homework and I missed the WHOLE reading because I fell asleep!! I think he did well. ha!

It is hard to believe that 6 years ago today... and on this day of the week... that we experienced what we now know as "9/11." I remember that day so clearly. I had my kids at school dress in red, white and blue in honor of those who died. It is amazing how time causes you to lose certain memories, though. Of course, I will never forget when one of my friends who works at school kept coming in my room telling me everything that was happening. When she told me about the Pentagon, after the 2 planes, I had to stop class and we prayed. The kids were clueless still but I just had to pray.. it was the only thing I could do. I think of and pray for those who lost loved ones that day. What a day in our history.... I took that picture of the flag at Steve's Dad's this weekend. We still take so much for granted in this country. We should be on our knees thanking the Lord for His riches and blessings. We have no right to complain.

Well, I guess I should get off of here and read to the kiddos. I have lots of papers to grade tonight so I have to get started on them right after they go to bed. Then, I'll collapse in bed. :)

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