Sunday, March 25, 2007


My word...I have taken entirely too long to post once again. Geesh. This is a picture from last year of our Hawaiian bush in the back yard.

Life has been one big blur but we are getting closer and closer to Spring Break!! I am SO glad of that. I am looking forward to some down time and catching the scrapbooks up for the kids birthday party in less than a month now. I sent out the invitations this week and am hoping everyone got them. I know how the mail can be sometimes!!

I weighed myself on Thursday.... I have now lost 12 pounds!!! I was SO excited and did the happy dance when I told Steve. I can definitely tell a difference in my clothes and people have started asking me if I have lost any. It is nice to finally say I have. My problem now is that most of my capris and such are getting too big. Good problem but an expensive one. lol

I have been working on taking photographs of more children. This time I have done an 8 month old. I have forgotten just how much they move. ha! I knew it would be busy and hard to capture but it really was a challenge. It was good to work with him, though, because it continues to teach me. I have so much more to learn. Especially of keeping my camera still yet being able to move about and capture the expressions of the children. That is why I hate a tripod. I know I need to start using one, but I am still resisting. Especially when it comes to taking photos of people.

You know how last year I was absorbed in taking photographs of God's creation? I am finding that I am not doing that as much this spring. I am truly enjoying the beauty but not flying outdoors with camera in hand to take another photo. I guess I feel that everything around my house has already been taken before and I don't want to be stale. We have some daffodils springing up but since it is the first year for them they are still spread apart. When I see areas that have groups of them I will probably take photos again. I just didn't feel like my photos of those last year were all that great. Of course, now that I am writing about it I am feeling the need to at least go and try taking photos of them. LOL It would definitely be a stress reliever. I am finding I am extremely happy when I have my camera in hand. Not that I am stressed when doing other things I love (scrapping, teaching) but there is something therapeutic to me about taking a photograph.

Mikayla got to have a play date for most of the day yesterday and had a blast. Steve worked, I took pictures of the 8 month old and Wesley had to hang out with me. It was a beautiful day but I couldn't get over how HOT it has become. I am not ready for summer just yet!!

Last night was our school's auction and I had put in my photography for the Silent Auction. It got around $140 and I thought that was pretty good seeing as I am not a well as people have no clue that I do this. hee hee I am now anxious to find out who bought it and to set up a time. This is all happening in an amazing way and I am just allowing the Lord to direct my path. I want to do well. I don't think I mentioned before but I have been asked to photograph a small wedding in July!! It is for friends of ours from church/school and I was blown away when they asked me! I am nervous about it, but the Lord has been putting information about weddings in my path so I know He is helping me. I'll need to go practice in the church beforehand to see how the lighting will be. Boy, am I nervous.. Someone's special day isn't like a photograph you can re-take. This is a once in a lifetime event.

Well, the sun is beginning to go down so maybe I will go out and take some photos... I'll enjoy the rest of the day the Lord has made. I pray you are enjoying the day the Lord has given you, too.

1 comment:

Amy said...

How neat that your photography got a high bid! Have you done the shoot yet? I'm sure you'll do great and they'll be thrilled!