Monday, March 26, 2007


I actually did go out and take some photos yesterday. I wasn't fully pleased with a lot of what I took but got a few good shots. Here are some of the daffodils since I talked about those in my post yesterday. I tweeked a couple of them in photoshop because they needed some "pop" help. LOL The up close ones didn't get any help but the first one did. I am enjoying working with Photoshop... learning lots but still have lots to learn!!!

Today was back to work. It was a good day but busy. Of course, what day isn't!!? I am about to go watch Dancing with the Stars. I got started watching that last week so I guess I'll see how they do tonight. I can't dance worth anything so I really have no right to say who can and can't dance. ha!

Enjoy the pictures of the daffodils! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Kellie, my favorite of these three is the middle one. You can almost feel the texture of the petals and the little spider web at the top is neat. Which version of PS are you using?