Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Our first tulips have begun to bloom!! I took these today. Miss Mikayla saw them as we were coming up the driveway from school. I told her she had good eyes!! This was the only one blooming but there are a couple that will probably be blooming tomorrow. We (actually, STEVE) planted our daffodils and tulips last fall. We have both wanted more color up around the house. He also planted some iris and I am looking forward to seeing them bloom. I wasn't as pleased with the first one but the second one had nice color. :) I find that intense colors of red, pink and yellow can be very hard to capture correctly. They do not give much contrast. I love me some contrast with whatever I am photographing. lol To me the petals on the first one are so drab. I couldn't get them to look right in Photoshop, either. Of course, I know they aren't an intense green anyway. Oh well... continuing to learn.

Steve has to have some minor surgery tomorrow so I won't be at school after 10:00. I want to go be with him. It isn't anything serious but I didn't want him being without me. I would definitely want HIM with me if the shoe were on the other foot. I'll be a nurse for a day tomorrow. Of course, knowing my record with nursing he may not want me doing that. hee hee I am not the best when it comes to thinking quickly on your feet in medical situations. lol

I am off to hang up clothing. Laundry is never done is it? Have a great one!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I hope Steve is all better from his surgery. I agree on the contrast with the first photo, the light has to be just right to get enough with red. The second photo is so pretty with the center. I find that by photographing flowers, I'm noticing how intricate and amazing God made them. There is so much more to them than what you get with a glance.