Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I just have to share what the Lord did last week.

I must say I was hesitant to post this because I was concerned this would be perceived as me talking about what I did.  Instead, please make sure you read it as what Christ did THROUGH me because I am still amazed at how He gave me more "loaves and fishes."

Last week I received an anonymous card in my mailbox at school.  On the outside it said "Let us give thanks..." and on the inside it said "... and reflect God's goodness! 
Then it stated:
 "You are a blessing to our family, and we are so grateful for all you do at WCA!  Thank you for giving of yourself each and every day.  Please use this small token of our appreciation and celebrate YOU!  (or to bless someone else)

Inside the card was a $20 bill.  I was so shocked and moved by what someone chose to do for me.

I honestly was not thinking of anything I needed for me.  The Lord has been so good to us and blessed us with what we need when we need it.

Then it hit me.

I have been wanting to buy more things for the homeless ministry we have been helping but haven't had any extra to do so.  I knew then that the Lord wanted me to use that money for them.

I kept the money in the card inside the envelope and put it in my purse.  I figured I would get by Walmart eventually!

A few days later, as Wes and I were checking out at Walmart for some things we were needing for the family, I saw the envelope and remembered I still had that money to spend for the precious ones we have been getting to know.  I had Wes stand over by the checkout areas and wait for me while I picked up a few items for the homeless. 

I was so excited to be able buy vienna sausages and packets of tuna.  I tried to add the amount in my head quickly and make sure I used the money I had wisely.  I had it all in my hands.... it was comical.

I got to the checkout and the price was less than I had thought so I was excited to figure out what to do with the last few dollars for them.  When I went into my purse to get the envelope, and opened it up, I did not see a $20 bill as I had thought.

It was a $50 bill.

I promise you all.... when I took that money out of the card originally it was only a $20 bill in there!!  I was so shocked when I opened it up at the register and saw more!  I stood there for a few seconds with my mouth agape.

I was beyond excited.... this meant I could buy more sausages, and... well, STUFF!!  The Lord had seriously doubled the five loaves and two fishes with which He had originally blessed me!!

I dropped off what I had just bought with Wes at the grocery cart and told him to hang tight... I was off to get more stuff.

This time I took a shopping cart.

Do you want to know what joy filled my heart as I filled that cart?  Talk about the vienna sausages that were put inside.... and more packets of tuna... beanie weenies and beef ravioli.

That may not sound like a scrumptious meal to most of you, but the look on those homeless faces when they are able to freely receive, well, it is more than I can describe in words.

I thank the Lord for how He worked in this and give Him all the glory.

I am "magnifying the Lord!" 


joyfuljan said...

WOW Kellie!! What an awesome God we serve!

benbidder said...

Wow, what a story!! That is just amazing. :) I love it!