Monday, March 11, 2013


I love these guys.... they are lemurs and are so much fun to watch at the Zoo. 


So let's talk about duct tape today.

I have a funny story first....

Some people know this about me, while others do not.  

For those who know me in real life, this does not surprise them.  In fact, it just adds to my "Mrs. Fowler" moments....

Early in my teaching career I used to have to wear dresses/hose, etc.. each day.  Now we are able to wear pants if we so choose.

Well, in those early years, and on one of those days I wore hose, those said hose did not want to stay up.  

You women out there know what I am talking about.

I tried lots of things to help with that because it was at the beginning of the day and I had a lot of hours before I could take those puppies off!

After trying those different things... I found duct tape. 

I didn't think it would be too bad.  In fact, I was quite pleased all day as I walked around without having anything fall!  I figured this was the answer I could use time and again if need be...

Fast forward to that evening....

I think the entire world heard when I took off said hose with said duct tape on them.  I was not ready for what I felt!


I still remember that pain and it wasn't pretty.

Let's just say the freedom I felt at that moment was welcome...... that is, after I got over the healing process.....

I have had cause to laugh at myself numerous times throughout the years because of this memory!!

Lately the Lord has brought another twist to this story.... one that gives me a different perspective and I have been able to share with others.

For a long time I was duct taped in my box of life.

I was a Type A/ control freak/OCD individual who was thankful for the box she had duct taped herself into.. it was comfortable.

I liked my little box... I really did.


I wasn't ready... I didn't realize the pain that would be involved!

God knew that in order for me to begin seeing the world He intended for me to see I had to get out of my box.  That required TEARING off the duct tape.

Sometimes the yanking was slow.

Most of the times the yanking was fast and furious and I didn't know what had hit me.

However, the freedom that He has allowed me to feel because my own restrictions are gone have been so overwhelmingly filled with joy that I don't ever want to go back in that box again!!

Don't get me wrong, the pain that went along with it was not fun, but I am THANKFUL I could FEEL the PAIN!  The pain is what helps me remember what the Lord has done for me.

I am reminded time and again of John 10:10 -
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

The Lord wants you to have abundant life!  If you are too duct taped into your own box of desires and controlling then you will never know abundant life in Christ.  

Allow Him to take off the duct tape.

Just know that even though it is painful, He is there every step of the way healing as He pulls you free.


Gretchen said...

Oh girl, you crack me up! I could just see your duct tape fiasco! Love the way you tied it into a life lesson. Wise, albeit crazy, woman!

Anonymous said...

Love it , Love You, Wounderful explaination !!