Monday, November 28, 2005

Back to the real world

Our Christmas tree!! I actually like how this picture turned out. No lights were on in the den except for the Christmas lights. Pretty neat, huh? I chuckled this evening when I was looking at the tree from a different angle....I could tell Wes and Mikayla got a little happy with the ornaments on different parts. It doesn't looks great. :o)

Today was back to work and it was a slow going morning before we left the house. The kids did great...I was the one who had the problem! ha! It was a busy day but a good one. I got a lot accomplished.

I was working on homework with the kids tonight and was so proud of both of them. Mikayla is "zipping" through her words now. She doesn't have to sound them outloud anymore. She is doing it in her head. Wes is still sounding them out but at least he is now GETTING the word and not making up something with the last letter! I was really proud of how hard he worked tonight. He's getting there!!

Steve and I were supposed to have gone to the blood drive at church today...guess who forgot?? He had worked late and I came home and let the kids play outside while it wasn't raining before baths, homework, supper and bed. It is the second one we have forgotten!!

Steve is now outside working on the outside lights for Christmas. He was going to go out and get it all up tonight but it began pouring rain. We will NOT complain about the rain, though. We have SO needed it. We were amazed when we went up to Steve's Dads this past weekend when we went over a lake and it was really dried up. I hope this rain helps. God knows when to send what we need!

Well, off to eat some oreo cookies and hopefully do some journaling on the few pages I did this weekend. Maybe I can get those done tonight. Unfortunately, I can't do it by the fire. Steve said it was "too hot" to build one tonight. Yes, I am whining about that. hee hee Maybe I should post my fireplace picture again....
Ahh..yes, there is my fire. :o) Have a WARM evening everyone!

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