Sunday, April 07, 2013



It's over.

Having said that, it has been a wonderful one.  :)

We have been quite busy around here, so it wasn't one that was restful each day, but what we accomplished was awesome.

So what did we do?

Enjoyed time together.... just me and my babies.  :)


Celebrated a certain 13 year birthday.... for several days.

Shopped with my girl.

Pedicures with my girl.


Two photo shoots... on the same day.

Helped the homeless and helped clean up Moore Square where we were helping.

Did yard work. 

Mikayla had a couple of play dates.

Finally met an online friend who I have known around 14 years.  It was so neat to finally MEET her and her kiddos.  You would never know the kids had never met each other before that day because they went exploring at a local park while my friend and I (and her son who wore the wrong shoes) got to talk.  He'll just have to join in the exploring the next time.  I enjoyed talking with him, though.  It was so great to finally connect!

Slept in "late".... realllly late one day.  


Oh. My. Word.  Cleaning this house that had been neglected for far too long was overwhelming.  I didn't know where to begin, but I just dove in at the kitchen.  It took us all day.  I was cleaning out drawers and places that had enough dust covering them that I could write letters to everyone.  It felt so good to clean out.  I didn't get to clean out everything, but I hit the hardest areas and will just hit the other areas when summer comes.

Overall, it was a wonderful time off. 

Reality comes back at 5:00am tomorrow.

I can do this.  :)

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