Thursday, January 27, 2011


More cool icicles from the barn.
So I asked a riddle yesterday. I didn't get any "takers" on answers except one. I don't blame you... I am not good at figuring out riddles, either. Without further ado, here is the riddle and the answer!

What traps warmth, sprays forth ice and water, yet slips through your fingers with ease?


Pretty neat, huh?

I remember the first time I flew and we went through clouds. It was one of the most amazing sights to me. When I was little I used to think they were more solid. Experiencing fog in Maine made me realize how low a cloud can go!

They say every cloud has a silver lining. I believe that with all my heart. When things are covered by "clouds" in your life, our silver lining is knowing God is in control and He will lift those clouds when it is His time.

A couple of weeks ago a former student of our school had a baby and he passed at birth. I found out yesterday of another young woman who graduated from our school years ago and gave birth to a little boy who died. I also heard last night that a set of twins had been born really early and one didn't make it.

I honestly cannot ever remember hearing of that many infants passing like this at one "time." Those families are experiencing the cloud of grief right now. It will take time for that cloud to lift, but until then, God is there. We do not always understand His ways, but they are not for us to understand, but to trust.

He is holding their precious babies.

He is holding them.

One day they will see that silver lining.


Mich said...

My heart goes out to these families. I lost a baby brother and I remember how it rocked my family's world at the time. I think the only way my parents survived was through their faith. God is faithful.

Lori H. said...

Don't you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining
--"What Faith Can Do" by Kutless

I will say a prayer for all of these hurting families!

On a lighter note....when I was a kid, my grandma had to fly to visit us. She convinced me that she had reached out the airplane window and grabbed a handful of cloud to bring to me for a present. I totally believed her!!

Sandy said...

That has to be the hardest thing in life to deal with: loss of a child. Only reliance on God for strength could bring one through that! Their bottle of tears in heaven will be full...

Anonymous said...

That is such a hard thing to go thru, I would think as a parent nothing can compare. I have three precious children who are grown now ,I pray I never have to know that pain. I pray for God to give them strength and courage at this time of need. Love! Love!