Saturday, January 01, 2011


I am all about the date today - 1/1/11... a lot of ones!

I am warning you that this blog is a bunch of jumbled up thoughts. I am blaming it on the pain meds that I am still having to take. lol

I was able to watch the ball drop but that was because Steve woke me up to see it then we went back to sleep.

I am feeling a bit better today but taking it easy.

I have been sitting in the recliner all morning and watching TV. This is something I just don't do that often.

I have found programs on extreme obese individuals, women who are pregnant and anorexic, people who hoard items, and over extravagant lifestyles of people who really have no idea what it is like to live in the real world. As I have watched those programs I soon realized once again how blessed I am. We all have issues in life and it breaks my heart to see what some of these people face. BUT...I see my issues pale in comparison to others! Thank you, Lord!

On this first day of the year many people have resolutions.

I don't do resolutions and never really have.

Instead of trying to keep doing something I may not complete, I just want to do my best for the Lord each day and allow Him to guide my steps.

Now, there is one resolution I want to give to all of my readers, though......

Do ya think in 2011 you could let a girl know that you read her blog? I really would love to see some more comments this year.

OK... now I am going to be good and get back to my recliner.

Happy 2011! :)


wendy said...

I, Wendy, do solemnly swear, to leave more comments in 2011. Sometimes I tend to get lazy with my commenting, but it's not because I don't read this thing. Hope you're feeling better! Get some rest :)

Mich said...

Hope you feel better.

I Love reading your blog...your words are always a great encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog and I always feel like I'm talking to you when I read. You take us from deep contemplation to totally hilarious and sometimes back again in one reading. Keep it comin'...your fan base would be sad if you stopped ;p


Anonymous said...

I do love your blog and have tried to comment soooo many times and have not been able to!!!! But I so appreciate all your kind words on my blog! Lots of love to you!!
