Saturday, January 08, 2011


We actually had flurries today instead of last night. It is odd seeing snow falling and then the sun peeking through in the nest minute.

I love the contrast of the red berries, green leaves and white snow. All of these colors are a reminder of Christ. His blood was shed for us so that our sins are forgiven and we can be as white as snow. Then, as we grow in Him our green gets deeper because our branches are connected to the root of Who makes us who are are - Christ alone.
I overdid it yesterday and it showed when I tried to arise this morning....

We are beginning fourth grade North Carolina projects today. They are due at the end of April but it will take that long to complete them. I am tired already.

We went out to eat with some of our dear friends last night (Hi, Kathryn!) that we do not get to see often. It is so comforting when you walk in, get hugs and begin talking as if you have seen each other all of the time. They are precious, precious people and we are so glad we got to see them last night.


Gretchen said...

Take it easy, girlie! Don't over do it!
I'm glad you were able to get out and about. Now, REST! :)

Sandy said...

Isn't it neat to have friends like that?!
I too am glad you got out, but be careful that you don't "relapse"!

Mich said...

Hope you continue to feel better and get stronger.

Beautiful pictures.