Sunday, March 15, 2020

Be Still With Social Distancing

 With our news being filled with COVID-19 and learning precautionary steps we are to now take to help with the spread of this new virus, social distancing has stood out to me. These birds look like what I felt when I first heard it - the one on the right is me. HUH? You want me to distance myself from others?

Some people may see social distancing as a rewarding experience as they are introverted and love time to themselves. 

Others may feel as if they are now on a deserted bridge with bareness all around them and emptiness invades their souls.

Instead of seeing social distancing as something to endure, why not view it from the standpoint that we have the chance to BE STILL.

Our culture is so fast-paced today. I feel it daily and I am not involved in all of the things I see on social media sights. People are ALWAYS on the go.

I know we have had times in the winter of snow/ice here in the south that stops us from a lot of normal activity, but even then we are able to get together with neighbors/friends and play in the snow or just be together. 

This social distancing is a new thing for our ears to hear. At the sound of it, many have had anxiety rise up in them because of the unknown.  While we are still able to get out and about, we have to think differently about coming in contact with people right now. 

And all of this has happened fast.

Being an introvert, I have welcomed this newly expected slower pace. I have been excited to not have to go anywhere in a hurry and take time to be slower.  

I can understand there are those who are not feeling the same.

As I have sat and reflected on it all, I was struck by this thought:

I never have to worry about being "socially distant" from the Lord. He is always near me. 
I may choose in my busyness or distractions of life to find myself distant from Him, but He will never leave my side and always desires close contact with me.

This social distancing from other people will give me the opportunity to spend a closer time with the Lord. It will give me those moments for which I have been yearning in all my busyness. I am comforted by the fact that He is as close as ever and I can actually become stronger by being in His presence than by distancing myself from Him.

This year, the Lord gave me the word "Hope" as my word for the year. I was not sure where that came from exactly, as I had other words that I kept pondering. However, in recent weeks, the Lord has already shown me that this was the word I needed. 

Because of what the Lord showed me for this year, I have on my mantle, and sing often in my head, the song "In Christ Alone." Here are the words for the first stanza and I think it is so fitting for where we are right now in our world. 

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

See this social distancing as a reminder that our Lord is ever near. We are the ones who distance ourselves from HIM. Choose this time to get back into closer contact with the One in which our HOPE is found. Just BE STILL with social distancing.

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