Thursday, June 05, 2014


If you have been following me enough you know that Steve and I have been on a journey of weight loss and overall healthier living.  Through this journey we have actually GAINED.  Stay with me....

A year ago we looked like this..... too many pounds added....

Today, we look like this..... 25 pounds and 50 pounds and many inches down respectively.  
Our journey is far from over.

What have we GAINED through this journey thus far?  

Well, I'll be honest, we both have gained a few pounds in our fight to lose them.  Unfortunately, that seems to be the way things go in this journey.  I went for over a month doing "everything right", gained three pounds and then only lost one pound.  There have been weeks I have lost none.  Same applies to Sweet Man.  We have both had our struggles in this process, but have kept the faith that it WILL be different.

However, let's talk about other things that have been GAINED in this journey.  I will use myself as the example since I am thinking on what the Lord has taught me specifically.  (I know Sweet Man has had similar gainings, but I am keeping it "JUST ME" here.)

1.  Dependence.
Yes, you read that right.  Dependence has been something I have truly gained because I am learning that without my dependence on the Lord to walk with me day by day/minute by minute I would have given up long ago.  

I have especially found that the verse Philippians 4:13 has helped me on many days when I didn't want to continue:  "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."   I have had to repeat that verse to myself on many occasions when I felt too tired or was not sure why I was even doing this journey when I was seeing no results on the scale.

I have also learned that when I try to exercise and eat right in my own strength I have failed.  When I continually give it to the Lord to work in and through my journey, I have seen success.  This success was not always pounds lost, but strength to carry on in the journey.  It has been huge to have the strength to tell myself that I was not hungry because I HAD eaten, and in fact eaten more that day than most people in this world, or to remember I am doing this for my bodily health.

2.  Acceptance.
I am not talking about acceptance with others, although it has been nice to have people notice that I have lost weight.  

I am talking about acceptance of myself in the Lord.  Who I am in Him is learning I had to go on the journey from the inside out.  The Lord had to teach me that I needed to be good with who I am in HIM whether the outside was slim and trim or not.  I am reminded of this verse when thinking along those lines:

1 Timothy 4:8

For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

After learning that valuable lesson, the Lord could then begin to work on the outward part.  He had to help me see that I could do all things through Him.  I could help my body, His Temple, to be healthier on the outside as well because I had accepted who I am in Him.

3.  Confidence.
Not confidence in myself per say.  More of a confidence that I can do all things through Christ.  (Are you seeing a pattern here...?) 
I am learning through this that things I thought I would never be able to do, I CAN do!  Some of the exercises I have recently done or the foods I have chosen to avoid are only done through the confidence I have gained through Christ.  Believe me, I still do not consider myself a runner, but I have learned that running for short times is not so bad!  I have also found that I like jumping.... a lot. 

4.  Respect.
Again, this respect is not for me, but for those who are true athletes.  I know what it has taken me to get up off that couch and do hard things of exercise every day or use self-control in the area of food.  I have a much better understanding of what it takes those men and women who get out there and train their bodies.  It is HARD work. 

5.  Health.
I am learning that gaining my health is beyond important.  I have seen too many people, family members included, who have suffered because of food choices or lack of exercise.  I realize my life is in the Lord's hands daily, but He also gives me a brain to take care of what He has given to me.  

When I exercise now I remind myself that my heart is pumping, my lungs are working hard and that allows my blood to flow.  My brain is healthier for it, too.  I can tell when I have not been able to exercise for a few days (as I did recently because of end of school activities) because my thought processes are not as sharp.

And, oh, goodness.... I have never had muscle as toned as I do now.  Well, maybe when I was younger and a cheerleader, but I don't even think it was like I have now.  I also didn't pay attention then because I thought it would always be easy to have a lean body.  Now, that is funny....

My muscles are more toned and shaped and it is still weird to me to put my hands on my legs and feel that shape.  Does that sound weird?  I am sure, but just know it is exciting.  I am not saying I am ready to do body building and win competitions, but from what I was to where I am now... WOW.  

I still have a long way to go with this, but it is exciting to see my muscles working, heart and lungs included, as they were meant to work.  It is neat to see God's creation of the intricacies of my body to be put to use.

6.  Endurance.
If someone would have told me a year ago that me walking 6 miles during one time frame would be a piece of cake I would have laughed.  I now look at 6 miles like I used to look at 2 or 3 miles.  I can do it!  I am amazed at how long my body can actually exercise that I used to say I just couldn't do.  Again, I have not arrived and am not the best athlete, but I have gained much in this area.  

7.  Longevity.
I am gaining the true perspective of what this journey will be.  It isn't just for me to lose weight... it will be life-long.  I will be honest, some days I look at the broad picture of life and think of how I have to do this journey and it can be overwhelming.  But that is where the Lord has taught me to just take it one day at a time... with Him.

8.  Time Management.
I used to think I just didn't have that much time, especially during the school year, but the Lord has shown me I have more time than I think when I use it properly.  I have been amazed at how I have given up more unhealthy habits and replaced them with the time of exercise and how that has led to me getting everything I need to get accomplished.  There is always going to be laundry to do, dishes to wash, etc... but if I don't take care of my body the Lord has given me, I won't be able to get those things accomplished either.

9.  Energy.
Even though I am still exhausted with teaching all day, I do find I have more get-up-and-go than I used to have.  I can act silly with my students and not be out of breath.  I can be more active with my own family.  There is a pep in my step that I did not have before.

There you have it... and I didn't even come up with 10 on purpose because with the Lord's help I am continuing to learn how to let go of the stronghold of perfectionism. 

I pray YOU GAINED encouragement today to get out there and get a healthier body.  As one of my Exercise DVD instructors always says "You never regret the time you exercise."  

Take the time today to get healthier.  
What you GAIN is so much more than you lose!


Gretchen said...

You've inspired me. I have some weight I'm ready to lose... and it looks like I need to focus on what I will gain in the process. Thanks for the encouragement. You look great!

wendy said...

You look fantastic! Way to go :)