Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The picture below reminds me of me and Sweet Man.

He and I are birds of a feather, for sure.

As the kids are getting older, we are finding that our unwind time in the den at night has turned into a 3-ring circus of asking children if homework is finished, working on stuff ourselves, and telling the kids to just GO TO BED.

Therefore, that leaves little to no time for an actual private conversation with Sweet Man. 

Don't get me wrong.  You know I love my children with all my heart and cherish the moments we have together.  I also know that Sweet Man was here before them and I want my downtime with him.

My love language is "Quality Time" so I really need that time with him.

He and I have resorted to "dates" at home.  We tell the kids, who are usually doing homework, taking showers or watching something, that we are going on our home date.

What does our home date include?

Just watching a movie or television show by ourselves in the quiet solitude, with a door that is open in case the kids need something, of our room.

It has become addictive and I find myself getting giddy thinking of time to just snuggle and watch a show with Sweet Man.  We can actually have a conversation without children interrupting at all times because the kids know we are on our "date."

Who knew something so simple could turn into something so important?  Even the small things in a relationship are important if you want to keep it alive.

Now, if we could just stay awake the entire time to see the end of the show.

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