Sunday, May 06, 2007


Today's flower is my favorite. I love love love Siberian or Dutch Iris. (purple, of course...) We are growing these for the first time this year and I was so excited to see them blooming.

OK.... today is one of those neat days because the date goes 5,6,7. :) One of our local channels said this week that at at 2:03 with four seconds this afternoon it would have been 2,3,4,5,6,7. Just thought that was neat.

OK..what do you think of my new look????? A friend of mine (THANKS, AMY!!!) helped me figure out some stuff and then did the header for me because I just couldn't get it. I still have so much to learn in PS. lol Anyway, I am so tickled to be able to create my own look and enjoy my photographs more than once. The ones I chose are some of my favorites. It should always remind us of God's beauty in the creation He has made for us.

Today was Homecoming at church. We had a great turn out. It was our church's 205th anniversary. My family has basically been there from the beginning. It is a blessing to know such Godly heritage is a part of my background. I am also thankful for my church's unwavering stand for the Lord. It has not changed in all of those years. I ate a lot of great food and we got to see people we haven't seen in a while. It was a special day. :)

OH...the latest on the weight loss...I weighed this morning and I am now down 19 pounds!! Yahoo!! I am pretty tickled with that accomplishment.

This afternoon we had to run all over the place getting some stuff for school. I thought we'd never get back home. I had so many papers to grade but I finally got all of that done. The house looks quite neglected again even though I cleaned the other day but I just can't help it.

Today was extremely windy. Steve and I couldn't get over how windy it was. It feels like we have had wind most everyday since March 1. I'll be glad to have some days of less wind to help with the rain issue. We really are needing more rain. The wind just dries everything out so quickly.

I was reading to the kids tonight and I was loving the moment. I find it gets harder and harder to have those times with them. I have been reading the "Little House on the Prairie" series to them for a while and it is so enjoyable for us. Tonight as I lay on the couch they sat around me and we just enjoyed that close time together. If only every day could be a little more like that. LOL

This morning on the way to church Wesley said something that cracked us up. He was talking to Mikayla and he said he hopes the girl he marries lives on a farm so he can drive a tractor all of the time. His love for tractors has never gone away. I am thankful for that. I know that sounds silly but that is what I always associate with my little boy and I love that he still loves them.

Mikayla Girl has another loose tooth! This time it is one on the top and it is really moving! I was shocked yesterday when she showed it to me. It won't be long before we'll have a snaggle tooth. Want to know something horrible? I can't remember when Mikayla lost her first tooth!! I remember Wesley was July 23 and hers was around 3 months later but I don't remember the exact date!! Maybe I wrote about it in my blog...I'll need to search for that.

Well, I need to go put some clothes in the dryer and get ready for tomorrow. This weekend has been super busy and I don't really feel like I had one. Next weekend will be the same. Oh well. :)
Enjoy God's Creation that you see all around you!!


Amy said...

Kellie, I love the new look of your blog! Amy :)

Amy said...

And a BIG congrats on the weight loss! Do you have an updated photo of yourself?