Sunday, December 13, 2015

To Ponder


It isn't a word we use much in our every day language nowadays.  Instead I find that we are more apt to use the word "think."

While thinking and pondering give us the same thoughts of taking time to actively THINK on something, I am finding that the word ponder goes a bit deeper.

When I researched the difference between THINK and PONDER, I found that the word THINK had over twenty-five different ways of using it, while PONDER only had two main definitions:

verb (used without object)
1. to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate (often followed by over or upon).

verb (used with object)
2. to weigh carefully in the mind; consider thoughtfully:

While I realize thinking is required, ponder takes thinking to a whole new level!

Here is a thought - one can think on something while actually not giving it as much thought as one might think.  (Fun sentence right there!)

Take time to look over that last sentence.  Understand the truths that are there. 

That is why I am writing this post and taking the time to "teach" the difference between those two words. In fact, it has taken me a few days to ponder and ask the Lord what to write!

This figurine was my grandmother's and it sits on our mantle each year at Christmas.

The Lord has caused me to PONDER more recently over Christmas and I wanted to encourage you all to do the same.  I know how insanely busy my life has been of late and I honestly believe that is not what God intended for us.  I think it is a tool Satan likes to use so that we do not have time to truly ponder the things of the Lord.  When our attention is on other things, and not that they are all bad, it still can cause us to lose sight of the One in which we should ponder on daily.

Each year I teach the "Christmas Story" - the birth of Christ.  I find that when I teach things each year, the Lord brings out something new on which I learn more from His Word.  This year is no different.

I have come to love Luke 2:19 ~
But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.

As a mother, I can understand Mary's desire to treasure all that was happening and to think on that glorious time in her life.  There are a lot of memories that a mother holds dear to her heart.

However, her beginnings as a Mother was like no other.  Mary already knew that Who she held in her arms was a miracle in more ways than we would ever understand.

This is where I want us to stop, be still.... and PONDER.

Because the Christmas Story is given so much and many of us know Luke 2:1-11 by heart, I feel we become complacent in the wonder of it all.

Ponder these thoughts with me:

Mary never once doubted the Lord's plan.  As a 13-15 year old, she may not have understood how it would happen since she was not living with Joseph yet, but she still trusted His plan!  How many times have I doubted God in my adulthood!!

God sent His Son, in the form of a baby, to become one of us.  (Read that again...let it really sink in...)  He was still fully God and was fully Man, yet without sin!

Jesus left His heavenly throne to be with those He came to save.  And by being with us, He became flesh and dwelt among us.  He suffered as we suffer.  He felt as we feel.  He experienced life with us so that we could be comforted in knowing He DOES know how we feel.  In my Bible studying I am learning so much more of how Christ lived and it has caused me to realize that truly everything I face, He has already faced when He was here among us - Emmanuel.

In the fullness of time - Christ was born. (Galatians 4)  In. The. Fullness. of. Time. 
How many times do I wish for things to go on MY time table?  What a wonderful thing to ponder - that everything will happen in the time it should!  God's timing is perfect! God may seem silent at times but through the silence He is teaching us to be still and listen for His still, small voice. 

The shepherds were the first to come to see Jesus.  Stinky, smelly shepherds who had just left their sheep had the privilege of bowing first before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  If Christ had been born in a palace they never would have reached the outer gate.  In a way, we romanticize the life of a shepherd and how we portray them in our nativity scenes, but the truth of the matter is that they were considered some of the lowest of low in their society.  They worked with animals - they did not smell very nicely and their clothes were not the latest fashion.  However, they were still that night because they had to be - they were watching out for those precious sheep.  Many of those sheep were used for sacrifices for the people.  How fitting that Jesus, Who the Bible clearly states is OUR Shepherd, would be first visited by the same.  And then one day He became our sacrifice as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  What a beautiful picture - think on that a minute.

Mary needed a Savior too.  At times it seems Mary can be elevated to a higher status than needed.  She was the instrument God used to send His Son - but she also knew she needed Him to be HER Savior.  She was a sinner just like me. 

When the shepherds left, Mary pondered all those things she had seen and heard.  Could she have pondered on more things - probably.  We mothers like to think on our children's births and relive them over and over.  It is such a precious time.  Just eight days later it would be told to her at the Temple through Simeon that Jesus would cause the rising and falling of many in Israel that hearts may be revealed - and a sword will pierce her heart also.  

I have no way of knowing whether Mary understood the implications of that foretelling.  However, we do know that she was there when Jesus was put on the cross.  Was she at the foot of that cross, looking up at her precious Son, Who was also her Savior, and remembering all she pondered that night some 34 years before when the Miracle before her was born?  As a mother, I think she was.  The sword was piercing her heart at that moment. 

But the sword could not pierce her heart forever because Christ did not stay on that cross.  He did not stay in that tomb.  He arose!

The full meaning of Christmas is full circle - Jesus was born to die for a world lost in sin.  He came for ALL. 

Are you in awe of that this Christmas - or any day of the year?  Do you take the time to truly ponder the miracle of Christmas? 

Be careful not to let the fun of the Christmas festivities crowd your mind so that the true meaning of Christmas is left behind.

Take time to ponder.

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