Thursday, February 07, 2013



I love them.

There are some places around the world that do not have them.

Ever think about that?  I do, often, as I teach Geography to my students.  :)

When God first created the world, there were no seasons.  Every day was the same... there wasn't even rain until after the Great Flood.

After the Flood, God allowed seasons to happen....

Genesis 8:22 
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

I have seen a lot on Facebook and heard others around me always complain about whatever season we are in.  

Some people love the hot weather so they complain when it is cold.

Some people love the cold weather and they complain when it is so hot.

Some people hate when it rains because it messes up their plans.

Some people pray for rain because they are in such need of water.

I could go on and on.

I can't sit here and say that I have never complained about a season because I have, but God is teaching me more here.

The other day I was outside during recess and it was a very COLD, windy day.  I began to think about the seasons in life and how they compare to our seasons of the year.

We all have seasons of life with coldness and bitterness.

We all have seasons of life with warmth and freedom.

We all experience the rain of sadness.

We all experience times of drought.

What do we do with those seasons?  Do we wish them away and desire the other season, counting down the days till we can "wear flip-flops again?"


Do we find contentment in the season we are in and just bask in the fact that we are alive, learning, and growing?

In typing this, the Lord revealed something else to me.... what if He gave us the times of seasons after the Flood to help us have a visual of what real life is like?  I have never thought of that up until these past few moments!  Seasons come and go... just as good times and hard times.  


I am not perfect in this... as you can tell, the Lord is revealing things to me about this as I type. 

However, why do we wish away our lives complaining about the season we are in and wanting a "better one" to hurry up and come?  

The Lord is teaching me instead to be still before the Him, accept the season, live through it, and learn from it

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